Restricted under the bushes of Euphorbia caducifolia in dry rocky habitats. It is a perennial leafless much branched, straggling shrub with green cylindrical pubescent stem having milky white latex. Flowers in terminal many-flowered umbels and greenish white in colour. Fruit is a follicle, usually solitary, lanceolate tapering at both ends. Seeds glabrous. Flowering and fruiting in August to November.
Part used : Whole plant
Usage: Whole plant extract is used internally to relieve rheumatic pains. Root paste is used in snake bite and taken as an infusion in dog-bite cases. Aqueous extract of the stem is given orally for bone setting and in
rheumatic pains. Dried stem is emetic. The stem is some time used as substitute for Ephedra gerardiana as ‘Soma’ in Ayurveda .
Agrotechniques : No specific Agrotechniques available as it is collected from the wild. It can be easily multiplied through stem cuttings.