Cosmopolitan grass found at the margins of tanks, in fallow fields, wastelands and also grown in the lawns throughout the area. It is a perennial extensively creeping grass with -adventitious and spreading roots. Leaves narrow short , subulate and flat. Flowers born on 2-6 spikes, green or purplish in colour. Spikes radiating from the top of peduncle. Grain turgid and oblong. Flowering and fruiting throughout the year.
Part used: Whole plant
Usage: In Ayurveda the whole herb is considered cooling, astringent, demulcent, ophthalmic and diuretic. Fresh juice of whole plant is useful in epistaxis, in vomiting and as an application in conjunctivitis. The paste of whole plant is used to get relief from burning sensation during urination. Paste is applied over eyes to cure eye pain and to minor cuts and wounds to checks bleeding. Decoction of root is used as diuretic and to cure skin diseases.
Agrotechniques : Rhizomes/stolons are transplanted during monosomic rains in a well prepared field with enough farm yard manure. In 2-3 months period, it spreads in all directions to assumes gregariousness.